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Phasing out Kerbside Collection Traffic Leader training

Read about the phase out of the the KCTL training - why it's happening and what will take its place. 

Kerbside Collection Traffic Leader (KCTL) training was introduced by WasteMINZ to support waste operators with a standardised verification for the skills and competency of their staff operating kerbside collection vehicles.

Train the trainer courses are currently offered, allowing staff to completing the KCTL assessment in their own workplace (or through an independent consultant who has completed the train the trainer course).

Records of people who have completed the KCTL training are held by Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency (NZTA). Warrant cards were previously issued by NZTA to confirm the user had completed their KCTL training, however NZTA is phasing these out due to time and cost to both issue and replace lost or stolen cards. However, an online warrant card is available.

Current situation

Working safely on or around the roads is led by NZTA, previously through its Code of Practice for Temporary Traffic Management (COPTTM), and recently replaced by the New Zealand Guide for Temporary Traffic Management (NZGTTM). The change from a code of practice to a guide enables companies to better determine their own means of compliance based on their risk.

The NZGTTM acknowledges that sub-sector industry specific training may be developed to fit within the NZGTTM training framework.

Over the last year two new temporary traffic management (TTM) micro credentials have been approved for the waste operators industry. These are:

  • Waste transport driver operations and safety: Qualification Overview (
  • Waste transport driver operations and safety using a left-hand waste collection vehicle: Qualification Overview (

There is also a new unit standard which would also apply to a runner - NZQA Unit Standard 33257 

The TTM micro credentials have been developed with input from WasteMINZ and the Waste & Recycling Industry Forum, and MITO has outsourced the delivery of the material to Learning Works. They are hoping to have these launched this year (2024).

As the micro credentials are a more formalised version of the KCTL training, WasteMINZ has undertaken a review of the role of KCTL training and as a result is proposing to phase it out in favour of a best practice guideline. Organisations can then choose between utilising the micro credentials, or if they have internal capabilities, they can develop their own customised training resources, using the best practice guideline as a guide.

These different training choices will provide options for all operators in the industry – big and small – to make sure they are not exposed from a risk and liability point of view but also ensuring their workers get the right information to work safely in this industry.

Truck driver 1

Proposed Changes

The new waste industry guide (WIG) will outline best practice for waste transport driver training covering the key points that should be considered for any organisation who is developing their own material. It is not a standard. The WIG will cover the same content as the KCTL/micro credentials and is being developed by the WasteMINZ Health, Safety and Wellbeing Steering Committee, in conjunction with various waste operators as subject matter experts, to ensure it covers all relevant and necessary areas of employee information and competence.

Once developed, the WIG can be used as the basis of a best practice training plan to be followed by an employee and their manager/training provider. It will provide flexibility for an organisation in the training approach they take to cover necessary knowledge and skills. It will move away from classroom-based learning, allowing an organisation to customise its training programme for its own staff, fleet, operating and business processes.

Ensuring employees are trained to the required levels and ‘fit for purpose’ is part of compliance responsibilities for an employer. The WIG will be able to be used to advise on this process and the employer can then decide on the appropriate training path for their own staff – internally guided, micro credentials, or both.


Guidelines 1

Phase out

The current KCTL training will be phased out over the next three years. The current certification/warrant cards last up to 3 years so will still be valid over this time. Anyone who has completed the KCTL train the trainer course can also continue to offer KCTL training (if required) over this time period.

Current council contracts may specify KCTL training as part of the standards for waste operators. This will need to be reviewed with an agreed variation by each council for their own requirements – e.g. collection workers will be trained to an appropriate level of competency making them “fit for purpose” as determined by the WasteMINZ Guide or equivalent as a means of compliance.

A draft of the new WIG will be released in early 2025 and an information webinar will be scheduled around this time for further information. If you have any further queries, please contact WasteMINZ’s Charlotte Whiter.


WasteMINZ exists to make a positive environmental impact on Aotearoa New Zealand