Local Government Waste Manifesto 2023
In 2018 the Territorial Authorities' Officers (TAO) Forum commissioned Eunomia to produce the Local Government Waste Management Manifesto which articulates actions that would make a difference to territorial authorities’ ability to effectively manage and minimise waste. The manifesto was adopted as a remit by Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ) in 2018. The manifesto was updated in 2020 to reflect the work that had been progressed by central government since the publication of the original manifesto.

2023 update
In mid-2023, the TAO Forum Steering Committee embarked on a further update, as many of the priorities had been progressed by the Ministry for the Environment.
The updated manifesto was released in August 2023, and helps to build awareness of the waste related priorities for local government and ensure the delivery of the waste strategy and other key priorities.
In short, the update of the Local Government Waste Management Manifesto:
- Outlines the changes that have impacted the waste sector since the last update,
- Acknowledges the 2023 release of Te rautaki para | New Zealand Waste Strategy, and
- Sets out local government current key priorities to ensure the successful implementation of the new waste strategy.

What are the waste-related priorities for local government?
Members of the TAO Forum urge central government to demonstrate strong leadership and commitment to the following actions:
- Progress the delivery of the 2023: Te rautaki para | New Zealand Waste Strategy. This, together with the supporting Action and Investment Plan, must provide direction to achieve the required systems change,
- Continue to allocate 50% of waste levy funds to local councils. Councils are key to delivery of the waste strategy and require support for action in their local communities,
- Introduce the Container Return Scheme as soon as possible alongside other product policies like product stewardship. This will help shift the cost of waste disposal from ratepayers to producers, manufacturers and consumers, and
- Increase the waste disposal levy above $60 per tonne. This will provide essential funding for critical infrastructure to enable the circular economy.

About the TAO Forum
The TAO Forum is a sector group within WasteMINZ. It represents council waste officers working in 64 territorial or unitary authorities and was established to create consistency and efficiency of service amongst territorial authorities through sharing of knowledge and best practice around waste, recycling, and resource recovery.