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WasteMINZ01 October 20241 min read

Member Spotlight: Anna Robinson, Dunedin City Council


In this member spotlight, we talk to Anna Robinson from Dunedin, who is in the brand new role of Regional Waste Officer and works across all councils in Otago. Anna is passionate about behaviour change - and says it's a critical piece of work across all levels of change. 

"I love the anthropological challenges and discoveries that are made across all aspects of behaviour change – whether it’s with a waste focus or otherwise."

Tell us about your organisation

Dunedin City Council is housing this role (Regional Waste Officer) on behalf of all councils in Otago. This is a brand new role, and as such a brand new and exciting development for Otago! We have identified some early priority areas to focus on and facilitate the collaborative potential this role carries for the region.

Why did you want to join WasteMINZ? 

WasteMINZ is a natural space to ensure there is a voice and representation for Otago and Otago’s challenges in the resource maximisation (& waste minimisation) space. With all the knowledge and wisdom present in the organisation, I am grateful to have the opportunity to join in, learn and participate.

What topic/issue are you most passionate about when it comes to waste, resource recovery or contaminated land?

Top of the pops for me is behaviour change. I love the anthropological challenges and discoveries that are made across all aspects of behaviour change – whether it’s with a waste focus or otherwise. And behaviour change is not just what we deliver ‘on the ground’! This is a critical piece of work across all levels of change.

What are you reading or listening to right now? 

Reading: Mythos by Stephen Fry. 

Listening to: a number of different podcasts on psychology, with a good dose of music both from my own playlists and my teenagers playlists – variety is key!

Describe your perfect day outside of work. 

Begins with coffee, ends with a swim and simple dinner in the warm evening with friends and family. Between these ‘book-ends’, there is adventuring, laughter, sunlight, more coffee and great food, in a wonderful location somewhere in Aotearoa.