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website live
WasteMINZ05 December 20243 min read

New website & member portal launched!

We’re excited to announce that we’ve given our website and member portal a well-overdue revamp!

Our new member portal and website features a functional search option, an easily accessible document library in our member portal and more modern and professional look and feel. 

What does this mean for you?

You will have been sent an email from, similar to the screenshot below:

Email screenshot

This email is an invitation for you to sign in to your member portal account. You will use your email address as a username, and will need to create a new password.

As you can imagine, transferring all the documents from our previous website provider to our new one takes time. We still have some documents, such as previous Conference papers, still to be uploaded but this will be done over the next couple of weeks. 

Some links that you have bookmarked or linked to other pages may not work, so if you need any help finding our content, please contact Leeana on


Why do I need to create a new password to sign in? Haven’t I done that already?

We know it can be frustrating having to create new profiles for different websites.

The reason you’ll need to sign in to our new member portal with a new password is because we’ve switched to a different website provider, so we can’t bring your member portal profile information across. However, we’re confident that this new website and member portal will make it easier for you to find the information you need, and it will also be easier for you to update your contact details and sector group preferences.

I haven’t received an email inviting me to sign in to the member portal

Firstly, make sure you have checked the inbox of the email that is connected to your WasteMINZ profile. This is the email address that you would usually receive WasteMINZ communications from.

Secondly, check your junk mail!

If you still can’t find it, contact Nadja on and she can follow up for you.

I’ve bookmarked a link to a page or document and now it’s not showing up.

We are still in the process of transferring all of our documentation over to the new website. 

If you have the name of the page or document, you can search for it via our search bar on the website. If that doesn’t work, please contact Leeana on and she will help you find what you’re looking for.

Where do I find all the submissions that WasteMINZ has developed?

You’ll find all of our guidance, submissions, letters to the minister and many other documents and links in our Resource Library in the member portal. This is a searchable document library - you can filter by industry type or by document type.

There will also a public resource library, but this is limited to a small number of public resources.

Why isn't Membership Directory listing showing my logo? This is another work in progress! While all your directory information has been transferred, we are still working on uploading all the member logos that you provided to us for the previous website. We will aim to have this finished over the next couple of weeks. 
There's a new My Account feature - what does this do? The My Account feature allows you to see and make changes to your contact details. It also allows you to see which sector groups you belong to and will be updated about, and also change your sector group preferences.